Juliet Sanders
Juliet Sanders. Chartered Physiotherapist and Veterinary Physiotherapist
Juliet has a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of physiotherapy. She qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1984 gaining her Physiotherapy Diploma from Manchester Royal Infirmary School of Physiotherapy.
A further 2 years working in the NHS enhanced her knowledge base and in 1987 an opportunity arose to develop the physiotherapy service for a large ship building company with 14,500 employees. Over a period of nine years the service was transformed from a treatment only service run in a porta-cabin to an Occupational Health service with a full range of services including workplace assessments, return to work programmes, training in manual handling and display screen equipment use, alongside fast track physiotherapy treatment specific to the employees work demands and forming an integral part of the Occupational Health Department at the shipyard.
Juliet undertook further training and in 2005 gained a Post Graduate Certificate in Applied Ergonomics from Nottingham University. In addition her skills in the workplace and the benefit this gave to industry was increasingly recognised resulting in contracts with both corporate companies and local SMEs. Juliet feels that working in industry has allowed her to appreciate the importance of physiotherapy not just for treating injuries but also for ensuring the person is rehabilitated to full fitness enabling a safe return to work and/or sport.
The move into private practice
While developing her career in occupational health she also started her own private practice. This quickly grew from providing home visits to an established clinic in the local town. In 1998 Juliet obtained her own premises and Furness PhysioFirst was created.
Experienced Chartered Physiotherapists were recruited and the practice became highly regarded by both health professionals and patients. It received referrals from local GPs, specialised Consultants, and had links with key industries and sport clubs in the Furness region.
To enhance her skills with musculoskeletal disorders Juliet undertook training in orthopaedic medicine. This focused on detailed assessments, accurate diagnosis and manual therapy techniques including manipulation. Following successful completion of all four modules and exam she was invited to join Orthopaedic Medicine International as a tutor providing post graduate courses for doctors and physiotherapists.
This is the Sanders Physiotherapy Clinic based in Hexham. Juliet currently provides physiotherapy for people and small animals from here. Appointments can be made by phoning 07796326845.
Physiotherapy skills and a passion for animals
Juliet's special interest is in the management of musculoskeletal disorders from initial treatment through to return to full function. Attention is given to providing patients with a full understanding of their condition and then providing a treatment package that includes an individual rehabilitation programme relevant to their work and /or sport.
In 2010 the family farming business relocated to the North East and Juliet started working at the Gelson Osteopathic Clinic in Corbridge. She also decided to pursue an aspect of physiotherapy she has always been interested in - Veterinary Physiotherapy. This involved two years of intensive studying via The University of Liverpool and placements with experienced veterinary physiotherapists.
In May 2015 she successfully passed her exams to gain Post Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Physiotherapy and upgrade to Category A with ACPAT. Juliet has found the course provided an extensive knowledge base and she is now enjoying combining her physiotherapy skills with her passion for animals.